
The Weavers Guild of Miami Valley, Inc. was organized in 1949 to promote interest in handweaving.  Today the Guild is a non-profit, educational organization promoting handweaving, handspinning and the textile arts.  The Guild offers educational programs in fiber techniques and processes and encourages artistic awareness and excellence in the textile crafts through lectures, discussions, exhibits, workshops and demonstrations.

Overshot Runner

The President’s Column

Greetings Guild Members,

This will be my last Newsletter message. So I will try to keep it short.

First, I will not talk about volunteering. During the year I have mentioned why it is important to volunteer, that the Guild will cease to exist without people volunteering. That volunteering makes it possible for all of the important jobs and activities in the Guild to get done. Volunteering is a great way to learn things about yourself and the Guild.…. But I won’t be talking about that this month.

What I will say though is that it has been a privilege to have been your President this past year. Individually you are some of the most talented, creative and funny fiber hobbyists I could imagine. Collectively the accumulated fiber arts knowledge and ingenuity in this group is amazing.

Finally, I sincerely thank the Board for all of their help and insights into the Guild and the work we
did this year. Diana, Carol and Martha are a most excellent team to work with. I am blessed to have had them on the Board. I am sure the new President (Jarrett Eckhardt) and VP-Elect (Connie
Galloway) will get the same support.

Being President has taken time away from some of my other hobbies. So, I will be playing catch up in that regard. But I will continue to attend as many meetings as possible. I look forward to seeing all of you in June at the Guild Picnic and in September at Wool Gathering.

Best wishes to all of your future fiber adventures
Eric Ottoson, President
Weavers Guild of Miami Valley

Eric Ottoson
WGMV, President 2023 – 2024