2018-2019 Programs (past)
- October 12 – Leslie Arendt – “Fashions Through the Ages”. Costume program showing styles during the 1770-1880’s.
- November 9-11- Robin Spady – “Cutting Loose with Tied Weaves” The types of weaves presented are Summer & Winter, Taquete, Samitum, and Quigley.
- December 11 – Holiday Party with canned goods donation to the Fairborn Food Pantry.
- January 8 “Do I really need weaving software?”
- January 26 “Warping Without Tears”
- February 16-17 “Favorite Weaves – Round robin workshop”
- March 2 “Hands-On instruction for the iWeaveIt App”
- March 16 “Learn Locker-Hooking” Workshop with Kathy Krisher of Dream Weaver Fibers.
- April 26 – 28 ” Red and White weaves ”
- May 14 “Rigid Heddle Weaving” with Nancy Niemeyer
- June 11 Weft over sale and picnic
2017-2018 Programs(past):
- September 12- Show and Tell- What did we do over the summer?
- October 13- Letty Klein-Shepard’s Braided Rugs- Meeting at Bethel Lutheran Church’s Glaesner Hall in Hustead
- November 14th- DeDe Heeter- Ireland trip program
- December 12th- Holiday Party- 6PM at the Bethel Lutheran Church’s Glaesner Hall in Hustead
- January 12th- Naalbinding with Anne Berdanier at the Bethel Lutheran Church’s Glaesner Hall in Hustead
- February 13th- To be announced
- March 11th- Pat Maley; Master Spinner- at Bethel Lutheran Church’s Glaesner Hall in Hustead
- April 10th- Bobbie Irwin- Iridescent Weaves- at Bethel Lutheran Church’s Glaesner Hall in Hustead
- May 18th-Carol Brack-Kaiser Leigh-: History of Natural Dyes Used in Early America- at Bethel Lutheran Church’s Glaesner Hall
- June 12th- Picnic and Weftover Sale- at Bethel Lutheran Church’s Glaesner Hall in Hustead