In August 1949 “Six weavers met at the home of Mrs. A. Frederick Pendleton and talked over the organizing of a weavers’ guild. The weavers present were: Mrs. E. A. Drexler, Mrs. Clyde Iiams, Mrs. E. W. Lockin, Mrs. Stanley Weems, Mrs. J.D. Williamson, and Mrs. Pendelton.”
(Excerpt from WGMV 1949 minutes)
Weavers’ Guild of Miami Valley (WGMV) will celebrate its 70th anniversary throughout 2019. The Guild was established in August 1949 when six women met at a home in Dayton, Ohio, to create a Weavers’ Guild and promote interest in hand weaving. The Guild has been in continuous operation since that time as a non-profit educational organization promoting hand weaving, hand spinning, and the textile arts. Currently, the Guild meetings are held in Yellow Springs, Ohio. A schedule of meeting and workshop times and locations can be found here.