Meetings and workshop locations
Business meetings and programs are held at 7:00 PM on the second Tuesday of every month from September to June at the John Bryan Center at 100 Dayton Street, Yellow Springs, OH. Meetings are “hybrid” with in-person and Zoom. Guests are welcome to attend all meetings.
Second Saturdays
Demos and mini-workshops are held from 10-12 and the Rigid Heddle and Spinning groups meet from 12-2 at the John Bryan Center. NOTE: In October and June the meeting will be at the Hustead Fire Station.
HFS Hustead Fire Station
JBC – John Bryan Community Center
100 Dayton St., Yellow Springs, OH 45387 on the 2nd floor at the large two door room toward the front of the building.
Guild Season 2024-2025 Schedule
September 2024
September 10, Tuesday 7 – 9pm JBC
Meeting and Photos from Convergence, Show and Tell
This is our kick-off meeting for the year. Bring whatever you have been working on over the summer to show off. Be prepared to pay your dues and sign up for workshops and any open slots at “A Wool Gathering”.
September 14, Saturday 10am – 2pm JBC
Second Saturday -Winding a Warp by Diana Nelson
Diana will bring her warping mill and a small warping board to demonstrate her approach to winding single and multi-colored warps.
September 21 Saturday 10am – 6pm
September 22 Sunday 10am – 4pm
28th Annual Wool Gathering at Young’s Dairy Be sure to stop by our tent and see items hand woven by guild members, along with demonstrations of weaving and spinning. There will be items for sale from our guild members.
October 2024
October 8, Tuesday 6:30pm- 9pm JBC
Meeting & Program – Daryl Lancaster
Great Garments from Handwoven Cloth.
October 12, Saturday 10am – 2pm HFS
Second Saturday – Warping a Rigid Heddle loom
Shelley Stevens with some tips Diana learned at
Convergence. Come and learn some tricks and tips for warping your RH loom.
November 2024
November 9, Saturday 10am – 2pm JBC
Second Saturday – Warping a multi shaft loom
Warping a multi-shaft loom front to back with Kay B from 10am – noon
Spinners and RH folks are welcome to hang out.
November 12, Tuesday 7pm – 9pm JBC
Meeting & Program – Holiday Ribbon Ornaments with Kathy Wright
Kathy Wright will show us how to make holiday ornaments. Please bring scissors for
cutting paper, colored card stock if you have it, and a glue gun if you have one or Elmer’s glue if you don’t. I will send out the file with instructions for you all to print.
December 2024
December 10, 7pm – 9pm JBC
This is our annual Holiday Party. Ellen Ottoson and Pat JonMary Anna Robinson are coordinating. The
Guild will provide a ham and turkey. Please bring a dish to share. Sides, salads and desserts are
welcome. The room will be open at 6:00. Dinner at 6:30.
December 14, Saturday 9am – 2pm JBC
Second Saturday – Card Weaving with Janie Yates
Janie is from the Cincinnati Guild. NOTE: Janie has increased the materials charge to
$20. Please be prepared to pay her on arrival. The session will start at 9:30 and run until 1:30. If you
have any questions, please contact Martha Donley.
February 2025
February 8, Saturday 10am – 2pm JBC
Second Saturday – WIPs and Wraps
Bring a project that needs to be finished – twisting fringe, hemming, whatever. Bring your favorite fringe twister, needle and thread and those unhemmed towels. We can talk about wet finishing. And/or bring a few of those yarns from your stash and we will try some warp wraps that Marilyn showed last month. Diana will supply the 1” craft sticks and 4×4” squares for the more variable yarns.
February 11, Tuesday 7 – 9pm JBC
Meeting & Program – Appalachian Weavers with Carol Baugh
The time period in America from approximately 1890 to 1920 has been defined as the Progressive era. Many progressives during this time worked to make American society a better and safer place in which to live. One of the ways progressives achieved this goal was to establish social settlements and schools. Social settlements could be found throughout America. The most famous social settlement was Hull House created by Jane Addams in Chicago. Settlement schools also sprang up in areas throughout the country including ones established in Appalachia. In Appalachia progressives not only opened schools, they also revived weaving, basket making and handmade brooms (among other dying arts and crafts). Carol will highlight the work of Katherine Pettit and May Stone who established both Hindman Settlement School and Pine Mountain Settlement School in eastern Kentucky. Carol will also show the power point presentation she made at the 2022 Complex Weavers meeting held in Knoxville, Tennessee. This power point was the research conducted by Philis Alvic about weavers in Appalachia
March 2025
March 8, Saturday 10am – 2pm JBC
Second Saturday – Spa Day for the Guild Equipment
Meet at Martha Donley’s house to clean up and do minor repairs.
March 11, Tuesday 7pm – 9pm JBC
Meeting & Program – Natural Dyeing – Laura Krugh
Laura raises her own dye plants in Germantown. Her business is Colorscape Studio.
April 2025
April 8, Tuesday 7 – 9pm at JBC
Meeting and Program – Working with Color – Martha Donley
April 12, Saturday 10am – 2pm JBC
Second Saturday – Spinning Tips and Tricks with Pat Maley of the Cincinnati Guild. NOTE: this session will be from 12-2 to accommodate Pat’s schedule. I’ll have a sign-up list at the meeting.