The Weaver’s Guild of Miami Valley is incorporated as a not-for-profit educational organization. Our members have many interests including weaving, spinning, needle felting, dyeing, knitting, lace-making, rug hooking, and sewing. We meet monthly between September in June. Monthly meetings usually include a business meeting, program, refreshments and show and tell. The December meeting is a holiday party, and the June meeting is a picnic and “weft over” sale.

In addition to the monthly meetings we hold 2-3 workshops per year conducted by members or nationally known teachers. We also get together for share days where you can bring any project you are working on. These are typically held at member’s homes.

Board of Directors (2024-2025)

President  Jarrett Eckhardt

Vice President  Diana Nelson

Vice President Elect Connie Galloway

Secretary  Carol Baugh

Treasurer  Martha Donley

Trustees  Cathy Klenke and Karen Schnee

Bylaws and Policies

Bylaws & Policies as of 2018